Research Interest: Data/Digital health

I am interested in how the rapidly expanding field of consumer health technologies such as fitness trackers and “wearables” might enhance health literacy in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. These technologies promise to enhance health participation through personalization of health communication, yet uptake among CALD communities is limited. My research work to date has attempted to investigate the specific issues in digital health platforms that affect CALD participation; to co-design and test health communication practices that enhance the digital health literacy of CALD communities; and to produce guidelines that enable health providers, developers and policy makers to deliver culturally competent digital services.

Over recent decades I have become interested in the potential of digital technologies and data to facilitate community participation and transformational change in health. To this end I have undertaken stakeholder consultation workshops to develop research priorities for migrant and refugee background communities in Melbourne; researched digital literacies among migrant and refugee background mothers; convened a University-wide Data, Systems and Society Research Network for the University of Melbourne and have recently completed a Vice Chancellor’s Fellowship at RMIT University

Utilising patient-generated health data (PGHD) in clinical practice

I have had a long-standing interest in how the rapidly expanding field of consumer health technologies can enhance health literacy and enhance participation. However, there is a lag between the uptake of such devices and the preparedness of both health professionals and healthcare systems to integrate such useful but also voluminous data. For the last […]

Data and inequity

The capacity to gather, analyse and use data through sophisticated computational techniques like big data analytics and machine learning, combined with digital surveillance represents significant social, political-economic, and technological developments that have become ubiquitous in ordering our lives. Data can be used toward potentially discriminatory or unethical purposes with the potential to exacerbate social inequalities […]

COVIDSAFE Perceptions and Practices

In 2020 Dr Hugh Davies, Prof Larissa Hjorth, Prof Ingrid Richardson (all from RMIT), Prof Mark Andrejevic (Monash University) and I began researching practices and perceptions of COVID-19. Our areas of inquiry included: How do Australians respond to their information and locations being monitored and recorded? How have people adjusted to differing understandings of civic […]