Category: Food

I Smell You

]De Souza, R. (2017). I Smell You, Life Matters, Radio National, Australia. Thursday 14 September 2017. The wonderful Masako Fukui from Life Matters interviewed me for this story about olfactory assimilation. I am a committed foodie, ‘somebody with a strong interest in learning about and eating good food who is not directly employed in the food […]

Mouthing off about oral health

I have had several tooth adventures. The time I rather enthusiastically pushed my middle sister on her bicycle and she fell over the handlebars breaking a tooth (or was that the time I helped her break her collar-bone?). My own dental fluorosis (a developmental disturbance of enamel that results from ingesting high amounts of fluoride during […]

“Kiwi food is okay for Kiwis, but it isn’t okay for us”: Special food in the perinatal period for migrant mothers

I attended the 5th International Conference on Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Relational, Bio-cultural and Spatial Perspectives from Wednesday, 5 November 2014 – Friday, 7 November 2014. Those who know me or follow my work will know that I am deeply interested in eating and thinking about food. I’m interested in how food structures our days and […]

From bystander to ally: Can small acts help?

I’m interested in what moves us from being bystanders and witnesses to injustice to being moved to act. This has been prompted by several incidents since I arrived in Australia and a few days ago, the savage beating to death of a transgender woman of colour. In our increasingly surveilled and fear based society, there seem to […]

What does it mean to be Goan?

This piece was previously published in the Goanet Reader: July 29th 2005 Issues of celebration and connection, reflected in food and song Food is one of the many things that make life not only pleasurable but memorable. I recently met a young Goan man who is completing a degree who asked me if I could […]